Home Nutrients and Supplements Pest Control ARTS Velgro Thrips 250ml

ARTS Velgro Thrips 250ml

  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.600 Kgs

ARTS Velgro Thrips 250ml is a very effective organic product against thrips*, including their eggs and larvae.


  • organic product against thrips*, their eggs and larvae 
  • suitable for use on vegetables and flower products
  • does not leave any odor or taste on the plants
  • contains potassium salt (organic fatty acid) and Ryania* (extract obtained from the rhizome of this plant)

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  1. Shake well before use!
  2. Shake well the mixed solution!
  3. Spray the plants just before turning off the lights!



  • Preventive: Dilute 25ml VELGRO in 1L of lukewarm water! Shake well the mixed solution and spray once every 14 days!
  • Curative: Dilute 50ml VELGRO in 1L of lukewarm water! Shake well the mixed solution! Spray your plants, the soil and all vertical surfaces (where there may be laid eggs and larvae)! Repeat the treatment after 3 days and then again after 10 days!