Home Latest deliveries Clonex MIST 750ml

Clonex MIST 750ml

  • Code:
  • Weight:
    1.000 Kgs

Clonex MIST 750ml is а product especially designed to make cloning even more successful. A complex mix of aminoacids and mineral nutrients, this ready to use product ensures:


  • fast root generation
  • strong healthy plants
  • consistent results every time

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to Varna starts at €1.53 outside Varna starts at €2.19
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Instructions for use:


  • Choose a healthy plant with strong growing tips. If possible the growing tips can be sprayed with Clonex Mist once or twice in the week before cuttings are taken.
  • Use a sharp clean blade, such as a scalpel, to make a diagonal cut in the stem - just below a leaf node. Use sharp scissors to trim off some of the larger leaves, leaving two or three on the cutting. 
  • If Clonex Rooting Gel is available then dip the cutting straight into the gel.
  • Immediately insert cutting into the growing media (rockwool, Jiffy, etc.), which should be moistened before use.
  • Spray the new cuttings with Clonex Mist and place in a propagator. The lid should be down and the vents closed.
  • After 2-3 days spray the cuttings with Clonex Mist again and open the vents slightly.


Check the new roots after a few days – continue mist until the plant is established following potting up. If planting in soil, place soil carefully around the roots to avoid damaging them

TOP TIP: Repeat this misting every 2-3 days or when cuttings look dry. Open vents wider everyday. A slight condensation inside the propagator indicates adequate humidity.