
ARTS Fungus Free 250ml

  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.600 Kgs

ARTS Fungus Free 250ml is an organic fungicide to prevent and control powdery mildew*, Botrytis* and rust*


  • a balanced combination of herbs, algae, fulvic acids, silicon, beneficial microbes and fungi that increase plant resistance
  • successfully applied to cut flowers, potted plants, fruits and vegetables
  • safe to use and has no adverse effects on insects 

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  1. Shake well before use!
  2. Shake well the mixed solution!
  3. Spray carefully with a fine sprayer so that the sprayed liquid does not drip out from the leaves!
  4. Spray the plants just before turning off the lights!



  • Preventive: Start the application approximately 2 weeks after planting! Dilute 25ml Fungus Free in 1L of lukewarm water! Shake well the mixed solution! Repeat every 3 to 4 weeks, up to 5 times!
  • Curative: Dilute 50ml Fungus Free in 1L of lukewarm waterShake well the mixed solutionSpray carefully with a fine sprayer so that the sprayed liquid does not drip out from the leaves! Repeat the treatment after 10 days!