
ARTS Spired 250ml

  • Code:
  • Weight:
    0.500 Kgs

ARTS Spired 250ml is a very effective organic product against red spider mites*, including their eggs and larvae.


  • contains clove oil and other natural ingredients such as quassia* (extract from bitter-wood)
  • successfully applied to potted plants, vegetables (excl. sweet peppers), fruits and trees

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  1. Shake well before use!
  2. Shake well the mixed solution!
  3. Spray the plants just before turning off the lights!



  • Preventive: Dilute 25ml Spired in 1L of lukewarm water! Shake well the mixed solution! Treat your plants once every two weeks, spraying the undersides of the leaves first and then the top sides.
  • Curative: Dilute 50ml Spired in 1L of lukewarm waterShake well the mixed solutionSpray the undersides of the leaves first and then the top sides. Repeat every 4 - 7 days, depending on the intensity of the infestation!