Home Nutrients and Supplements Pest Control Horiver sticky trap against insects - 10 pcs

Horiver sticky trap against insects - 10 pcs

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  • Weight:
    0.100 Kgs

Horiver sticky trap yellow traps are an effective tool in the fight against flying insects in outdoor agriculture and greenhouses. They are attracted to the yellow color, land and stick to the trap.


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The Horiver sticky traps are used to monitor the population of the following insects: against whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum), aphids (Aphididae), sciarid flies (Sciaridae) and leaf-mining insects (Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera).
Sectors are drawn on each sheet, through which you will easily count the stuck pests. With frequent counting of the number of insects caught, an increase in their population can be noticed in time and rapid plant protection measures can be taken.
Traps are also used in direct pest control, because already caught insects can not fly away and die.


For optimal protection, we recommend using one of the following plant-based products with the Horiver sticky trap:

How to use:

  • Place at a height of 30 cm from the tops of the plants
  • Use more traps per square meter for better results
  • Most effective at temperatures from 0 to 40ºC